ORANJESTAD – Aruba Airport Authority N.V.’s (AAA) “Wings of Hope” (WoH) is proud to announce that Colegio Cristo Rey is the official winner of the 1st ever Energy Champion Competition.
As part of WoHs Affordable and Clean Energy Goal, WoH recently held the 1st ever Energy Champion Competition among primary schools. WoH extended an invitation to primary schools to participate in an energy sustainability challenge as a way to raise awareness and spark curiosity among students and teachers on sustainable initiatives.
Participating schools had to submit a plan to reduce the school’s yearly energy consumption by 20% within a specific budget. All plans were evaluated by a panel of judges based on strict criteria.
Wings of Hope workgroup, represented by AAA’s Christine Kaarsbaan-Leo, Armand Kelly and Angeline Flemming, presented the winning prize on Friday July 23, 2021, to Colegio Cristo Rey. This Energy Champion school will receive AWG 20,000.00 to execute their energy reduction plan. WoH was very impressed with each schools’ plan, that included their in-depth research, a detailed overview of their budget allocation and creativity to execute their plan.
Wings of Hope would like to take this opportunity to thank all schools who participated in the 1st ever Energy Champion Competition and will continue to include students and the Aruban Community in projects moving forward, in doing so creating a better and sustainable future for all.
Colegio Cristo Rey ta resulta e scol ganador di AAA su Wings of Hope Energy Champion Competition.
ORANJESTAD – Aruba Airport Authority N.V. (AAA) su Wings of Hope (WoH) ta orguyoso pa anuncia cu Colegio Cristo Rey ta e ganador oficial di e prome Energy Champion Competition.
Como parti di WoH su meta di “Affordable and Clean Energy”, WoH recientemente a organiza e prome Energy Champion Competition pa scolnan primario. WoH a extende un invitacion na scolnan primario pa participa den un “energy sustainability challenge” pa concientiza y crea curiosidad bou di e studiante- y maestronan riba iniciativanan sostenibel.
Scolnan cu a participa a entrega un plan pa reduci nan scol su consumo di energia cu 20% den un budget specifico. Tur plan a wordo evalua dor di un panel di huradonan basa riba un criteria estricto.
Wings of Hope workgroup, representa dor di Christine Kaarsbaan-Leo, Armand Kelly y Angeline Flemming di AAA, a presenta e premio ganador Diabierna Juli 23, 2021 na Colegio Cristo Rey. E “Energy Champion School” lo ricibi AWG 20,000.00 pa ehecuta nan plan pa reduci consumo di energia. WoH a keda sumamente impreshona cu cada plan di e scolnan cu a inclui nan investigacionan haci riba e topico, un bista detaya di nan budget y tambe e creatividad pa ehecuta nan plan.
WoH ta gradici tur scol cu a participa den e prome Energy Champion Competition y cu lo sigui inclui studiantenan y e comunidad di Aruba den proyectonan den futuro, y na mesun momento creando un mihor futuro sostenibel pa nos tur.