income smoothing definition

The result of their research showed that there existed a negative significant between the income smoothing and return on investment. The efforts of the SEC and the accounting profession are focused on informing auditors and accountants of existing GAAP and auditing procedures, not creating new accounting or auditing standards. Accounting irregularities, earnings management, and fraud occur when managers and accountants attempt to manipulate GAAP and obfuscate financial reports.

income smoothing definition

Buckmaster, documented a long tradition of recognition of income smoothing behavior; this paper documents a continuing recognition of income smoothing in literature in the period between the publication of the Hepworth and Gordon papers. The focus of this paper has been to identify the primary elements of Gordon’s 1964 paper in earlier literature. Advocacy of the smoothing quality of specific accounting methods as a criterion for accounting choice by managers appeared frequently in pre1954 literature. Dicksee suggested the use of reserves for future losses as an appropriate smoothing technique. A number of authors [Warshaw, 1924; Davis, 1937; Nickerson, 1937; Cotter, 1940] promoted base stock inventory methods including LIFO because of the smoothing properties of these costflow assumptions.

Income Smoothing

Consequently, it is essential to be able to differentiate companies in smoothers and nonsmoothers. The research of Bitner and Dolan Supports the empirical evidence found by Michelson et al. Managers can use an instrument in combination with a dimension to smooth an object variable. In a more extreme scenario of poor income smoothing definition earnings, the firm can also fall prey to a corporate take over. Management of the company is expected to act opportunistic and to maximize their own wealth. DisclaimerAll content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only.

income smoothing definition

Looking for training on the income statement, balance sheet, and statement of cash flows? At some point managers need to understand the retained earnings statements and how you affect the numbers. Learn more about financial ratios and how they help you understand financial statements.


It can be seen from the results as presented in Column that the coefficient of idiosyncratic risk is 0.576 and is obviously positive. This shows that the rise of idiosyncratic risk will increase the probability of CEO turnover, which is adverse to CEO’s career development. But this influence remains to be further discussed because it is possible that CEO turnover itself results in the increase in idiosyncratic risk, for which regression may have endogenous problem. In order to mitigate endogenous problem, this article uses idiosyncratic risk to regress the lagged period of idiosyncratic risk and controlled variables to obtain fitted values, and uses CEO turnover to regress fitted values.

  • So that the next financial year will be profitable, this is an example of The BIG BATH type of earnings management.
  • Each citizen in the United States is provided with the incentive to save for the future.
  • Investors and auditors should carefully review the circumstances surrounding acquisitions.
  • However, in the long tally houses will be extremely hazardous and may confront settlement jobs.
  • It encompasses all strategies used in hedging against high expenditure or cost and increasing business earnings or profit.

Domestic scholars haven’t directly and fully studied the relationship between CEO turnover and idiosyncratic risk. Ye Ling and Li Xinhe found that the declining performance of a company will result in CEO turnover, and the possibility of CEO turnover in non- state-owned listed companies is lower than in state-owned listed companies. In case of performance improvement after CEO turnover, the performance improvement of a state-owned listed company is less than that of a non-state-owned listed company. If it is believed that declining performance will bring rise of idiosyncratic risk, it can be believed indirectly that idiosyncratic risk has positive correlation with CEO turnover. There is literature on idiosyncratic risk which is closely related to the study of this article in two aspects.

This would supply directors with a higher income wage, which would be an inducement for them. This literature study begins with the description of the use and value of the financial information. With respect to the term informativeness, it is necessary that the market is information efficient. Especially in the US, management of the company is very careful to provide any direct forecasts. The key objective of a corporate finance team is to find ways to optimize the company’s resources, including how to invest cash. In this lesson, we’ll discuss three important tools that can be used to analyze the potential of any given investment.

6 The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Income Smoothing

Smoothing income by abusing the leeway in accounting principles is unethical and does a disservice to the users of the financial statements. Accountants should follow their general guidelines such as consistency, comparability, neutrality, full disclosure and conservatism. Income smoothing also involves the manipulation of benefits, innovative accounting methods, and the implementation of generally accepted accounting rules.

He identified depreciation, hidden reserves, unusual nonrecurring items, excessive provision for contingencies, and expensing capital assets as early smoothing tactics in the course of his essay. Earnings management can be good as well as bad; it is considered as good when there is no personal intention. It is bad for the company if the company is using these techniques to inflate its profit, as it can`t be done in the long term, or it will affect the company in the long run. Aggressive & Abusive Accounting – This refers to the aggressive escalation of sales or revenue recognition. Abusive accounting includes cookie jar, big bath, etc., to show there is a high profit that year.

income smoothing definition

Owners and management use this information to judge about the results of business operations and make decisions about their management. External users like creditors, suppliers, tax authorities also use accounting information for their decision makings, that is, judging whether the business will be able to return loans, pay for goods sold, whether taxes are paid correctly and etc. For accounting information to be useful and used, they must be in compliance with fundamental accounting assumptions and conventions. • The study opens the door to future applications of income smoothing practices to other sectors for Middle East countries and other emerging markets. H1 There exists no connection between income smoothing and the income tax of the company’s selected Tehran stock exchange. H1 There exists Connection between income smoothing and the income tax of the company’s selected Tehran stock exchange. H0 There exists no connection between income smoothing and the income tax of the company’s selected Tehran stock exchange.

Income smoothing at the cost of damaging the whole interests of shareholders should be restricted, regulator should perfect the existing accounting system and require enterprises to enhance information disclosure to better protect the interests of investors. Loomis quoted the view of the CEO of a Global 500 company that the top priority of management is to smooth our income. Graham, et al. found that among the managers of the 401 respondents, 96% of them admitted they would manage earnings to smooth income. It is also a widespread phenomenon that domestic enterprises manage their earnings, which the academic circle has been extensively studied (Lu Jianqiao ; Sun Zhen & Wang Yuetang ; Chen Xiao & Dai Cuiyu, ).


During economic turbulence, companies are under pressure that makes them turn to account department in attempt to control the frustrations by changing the financial information to their desired level. When the management oversees that the targeted level cannot be managed from the initial planning, they result to decree the figure in earning. This type of management practice to change the accounting records is called income smoothing. When other conditions are identical, the management usually prefers smoothed income than genuine income that fluctuate greatly. Smoothed income allows the firms to evade discounting in the capital market that brings undesirable consequences with the stakeholders. Income smoothing or earning management can be classified into real discretion and technical accounting policy.

The Impact Of Income Smoothing On Tax Profit: An Applied Study To A Sample Of International Companies

Proposes that in order to determine the income smoothing the coefficient of variation by Eckel’s is best to be applied. The model shows or is based on the fact that costs and revenue are linear over a period hence they are directly related. The model proposes that to show the connection between revenues and profit, the coefficient of variation in sales and profits should be used. According to the international accounting standards, the process of income smoothing is not legal as it uses false accounting procedures and interpretations to stabilize fluctuations in net income (Acharya & Lambrecht, 2015).

Bushman believes that performance fluctuation, just like performance, conveys information on the ability of current CEO. However, performance fluctuation may result from the influence of market factors and cannot fully reflect the ability of CEO to control risk, while idiosyncratic risk of stock yield can reflect the ability of CEO to control risk. Empirical analysis found that the possibility of CEO turnover increases with the rise of idiosyncratic risk if company performance is under control.

Therefore, the higher the negative of this correlation is, the higher the degree of income smoothing is. In the following robustness test, the income smoothing measurement method used by Tucker and Zarowin is used in this article to measure the degree of income smoothing, that is, the negative of the correlation between managed earnings and unmanaged earnings. Jones model is used in this article to calculate managed earnings and unmanaged earnings are measured with actual earnings subtracting managed earnings.

Further tests show that negative effects are reduced with analyst coverage and institutional ownership, indicating that sophisticated investors play an important role in monitoring managers’ self-serving behavior and opportunistic financial reporting. First, the results of the total samples reveal that managers prefer real income smoothing than accruals income smoothing. This result may confirm the literature arguments on the advantages of REM methods over AEM methods. Cohen et al. find that firms switch to manage earnings using REM methods and explain that REM methods are harder to detect because they depend on operating decisions .

In his 1998 “Numbers Game” speech, former SEC Chairman Arthur Levitt expressed his concern that too many corporate managers, auditors, and analysts let the desire to meet earnings expectations override good business practices. He called for a fundamental cultural change on the part of corporate management and the entire financial community. Over the last three years, SEC investigations have uncovered earnings management practices that have pushed the boundaries of GAAP, even to the point of out-right fraud.

The fourth chapter provides an insight in the content of the term earnings informativeness. The method you choose depends upon the type of goods that the business is producing. Financial ratios are a quick way to review a company’s financial performance and compare it with others. This lesson will review a few select financial ratios to show how they are developed and how they can be used to forecast future performance. Legal ways of income smoothing can be cash flow done in situations wherein choice is given in the selection of methods, or in situations which are to be dealt with decision-making and creativity. When a company generates sufficient profits in the current year but foresees a challenging year ahead, the company defers the revenue to the next financial year to show sufficient profits in the next year too. In the case of WorldCom were capitalized operating costs shift current expenses to future period; I.

If income smoothing is managed expeditiously in accomplishing the house ‘s aims, so this would let directors to gain higher net incomes and fillips. However, if there is an organizational construction alteration, where direction is rotated, and so direction would alter. Therefore the determinations and direction manners and techniques would alter as directors would hold new aims for how they want the house to be managed. Furthermore, Online Accounting there are several facets which can forestall directors from income smoothing. This can be like external influences like competitory markets, which would cut down the house ‘s opportunities of income smoothing. However, in the long tally houses will be extremely hazardous and may confront settlement jobs. It is of import that the stock lists sums are accurate, and comply with the relevant accounting criterions .