84,754 pasahero a biaha den Juni 2021

ORANJESTAD – Aruba Airport Authority N.V. (AAA) ta raporta riba Aeropuerto di Aruba su prestacion den luna di Juni 2021, un otro luna di recuperacion solido desde cu e pandemia a cuminsa na Maart 2020.

Den Juni 2021, Aeropuerto di Aruba a procesa 84,754 pasahero cu a sali for di Aruba. E cantidad di pasahero na salida tabata 20% mas cu e luna anterior. Durante e ultimo luna, Aeropuerto di Aruba a recupera 80% di e cantidad di pasahero cu a sali durante e mesun luna na 2019. Den Juni 2021, 74,566 pasahero (pax) a biaha pa Merca, 4,384 pax pa Europa, 2,235 pax pa Antiyas Hulandes y 3,569 pax pa Latino America. E cantidad total di pasahero cu a sali for di Aruba den Juni ta 83% mas halto di loke a wordo premira pa e luna aki.

Un Passenger Load Factor (PLF) averahe na salida di 80% (cantidad di asiento ocupa den e cantidad total di asiento disponibel abordo na momento di sali for di Aruba) a wordo yega pa e mercado Mericano durante Juni 2021. E PLF averahe pa tur mercado tabata 78% durante e mesun temporada (compara cu 2019, unda e PLF averahe pa tur mercado tabata 85%).

Durante e ultimo luna, Aeropuerto di Aruba a atende un averahe di 26 buelo pa dia, esaki ta menos si compara cu 35 buelo diario durante e mesun temporada na 2019. Den Juni 2020 nos a atende solamente 53 buelo pa full e luna mientras cu nos frontera tabata sera pa operacion comercial.

AUA Airport’s recovery continued during June 2021

84,754 passengers departed in June 2021

ORANJESTAD – Aruba Airport Authority N.V. (AAA) can report on AUA Airport’s performance for June 2021, another month of solid recovery since the pandemic hit back in March 2020.

In June 2021, AUA Airport handled 84,754 departing passengers. The amount of departing passengers was 20% more than the month before. During the past month, AUA Airport recovered 80% of the number of departing passengers who departed in 2019 during that same month. In June 2021, 74,566 passengers (pax) traveled to the U.S., 4,384 pax to Europe, 2,235 pax to the Netherlands Antilles, and 3,569 pax to Latin America. The total departures during June are 83% more than what was forecasted for this month.

An average outbound Passenger Load Factor (PLF) of 80% (number of occupied seats of the total amount of seats onboard an aircraft when departing from AUA Airport) was reached for the US Market during June 2021. The average PLF for all markets was 78% during that same period (compared to 2019, where the average PLF for all markets was 85%).

During the past month, AUA Airport averaged 26 flights per day, down from 35 daily flights during the same period in 2019. In June 2020, we only handled 53 flights in the full month while our national border was closed for commercial operations.