E evento di benta di auto di mas grandi di Aruba t’ey bek!

ORANJESTAD, Aruba – 18 di augustus 2023: Aruba Bank a lansa su campaña di benta di auto, e campaña cu tur hende interesa den un auto nobo ta warda p’e. E campaña aki ta esun di mas grandi di Aruba “MEGA The Return Car Sales Event”.

For di awe mes por bishita of pasa na bo car of motorcycle dealer di preferencia, pa selecciona bo auto, cu opcion pa cuminsa paga na maart 2024.

E gran evento di MEGA The Return lo tuma lugar diasabra, 2 di september 2023ariba e Parking Lot di Aruba Bank Camacuri, lo ofrece displonibilidad di TUR Car y Motorcycle Dealers local, Aruba Bank su representantenan den Prestamo di Auto lo ta presenta cu on-the-spot approval, cuminsando for di 6’or di atardi pa 9’or di anochi.

Cumpra bo auto of motorcycle cu un prestamo di Aruba Bank, cu “0” downpayment y un termino di pago cu por bay te cu 7 aña dependiendo di e suma di e prestamo. Tur esaki combina cu un interes atractivo di solamente 5.00%-5.25% (interes efectivo ta varia entre 5.12% – 5.37%). Durante e periodo august 21 – september 2, 2023, e cliente tin e opcion pa cumpra awor y cuminsa paga namaart 2024. Tin posibilidad tambe di ricibi descuento ariba seguro di auto, y hopi mas.

Ademas di e gran oferta aki, cliente cu nan prestamo a wordo aproba durante e periodo di campaña 21 augustus 2023 – 2 di september 2023, automaticamente ta participa pa GANAAWG 10.000,- of AWG 5.000,- di descuento ariba nan Prestamo di Auto.

Bishita tur informacion di e campaña di MEGA The Return. Sigui nos ariba nos Facebook page: y Instagram @Aruba Bank N.V. pa keda bon informa di tur detayes di e MEGA evento – MEGA The Return.


The biggest car sales event in Aruba is back!
Aruba Bank MEGA Car Sales Event – The Return

ORANJESTAD, Aruba – August 18, 2023: Aruba Bank has launched its car sale campaign, the campaign that everyone interested in a new car has been waiting for. This campaign is the largest in Aruba, the “MEGA The Return Car Sales Event”.

Starting today, you can visit go to your preferred car or motorcycle dealer to select your vehicle, with the option to start payments in March 2024.

The grand MEGA The Return event on Saturday, September 2, 2023, at the Aruba Bank Camacuri Parking Lot, will feature the participation of ALL local Car and Motorcycle Dealerships, and Aruba Bank’s representatives from the Auto Loan department will provide on-the-spot approval, starting from 6:00 PM until 9:00 PM.

Purchase your car or motorcycle with an Aruba Bank loan, with “0” down payment and a payment term that can go up to 7 years depending on the vehicle amount. All of this comes with an attractive interest rate of only 5.005.25% (effective interest ranges between 5.12% – 5.37%). During the indicated periodcustomers have the option to buy now and start paying in March 2024. There’s also the possibility of receiving a discount on car insurance, and much more..

In addition to this great offer, customers whose loans are approved during the campaign period from August 21, 2023 – September 2, 2023, automatically participate for a chance to WIN AWG 10,000 or AWG 5,000.- discount on their new Auto Loan.

Visit all the information about the MEGA The Return campaign. Follow us on our Facebook page: and Instagram @Aruba Bank N.V. to stay well informedof all details of MEGA event – MEGA The Return.