ORANJESTAD- Departamento di Asuntonan Economico, Comercio y Industria y su unidad Exprodesk, segun maneho economico di Minister di Finansa, Asunto Economico y Cultura, sra. Xiomara Maduro ta invita nos comerciantenan pa participa na e Export Week 2021: ‘Conquering New Horizons’. Si bo kier haya mas informacion con bo por expande bo negoshi door di exporta bo productonan of servicionan via comercio electronico (e-commerce), esaki ta bo oportunidad pa participa na e Export Week aki. E lo tuma luga den forma virtual (online) di 7 te cu 11 di september 2021, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm (di dialuna pa diahuebs) y 9:00 am- 12:30 pm (diabierna) y ta completamente gratis. Pa participa mester registra na https://cutt.ly/ExportWeek2021
Lo tin mas cu 25 orador internacional y local, cada un ta experto den nan area. Pa conoce mas di cada orador por bishita e Facebookpage di Exprodesk. E topico nan cu lo trata durante e Export Week 2021: ‘Conquering New Horizons’ lo ta:
- Dia 1 (Dialuna, 7 di juni: 9:00 AM- 12:00 PM): ‘Overview of the e-commerce landscape and current trends, getting ready to Conquer new Horizons with a Powerful E-commerce Website. Logistics, USA, Europe, Dominican Republic and Import & Export Tax benefits’;
- Dia 2 (Diahuebs, 8 di juni: 9:00 AM- 12:00 PM): ‘Doing Business in USA via Doral and Sourcing from Asia: Tips and Best Practices for Finding Suppliers’;
- Dia 3 (Diaranson, 9 di juni: 9:00 AM- 12:00 PM): ‘Tips on how to grow your business locally and thrive internationally. From local to export: What to do if I want to cross borders with my company? Operational status: can we take on increase in business ? Time, structure operations/production;
- Dia 4 (Diahuebs, 10 di juni: 9:00 AM- 12:00 PM): ‘Search Engine Marketing and Online Payment Possibilities. Marketing: Tools for turning traffic into sales, Marketing: Tools for turning traffic into sales. Marketing: Tools for turning traffic into sales;
- Dia 5 (Diabierna, 11 di juni: 9:00 AM- 12:30 PM): ‘Blockchain and the disruptive potential of cryptocurrencies for Aruba and the Promising Sectors. AgriLedger: Blockchain possibilities for the Agriculture Sector as AgriLedger provides a fair share for those who produce and this means for all of us to know where our food comes from’.
Pa mas informacion tocante e Export Week 2021: ‘Conquering New Horizons’, por tuma contacto cu sra. Sharon Meijer via: s.meijer@deaci.aw