AAA continuously contributes to the Aruban community via Wings of Hope:

ORANJESTAD – Aruba Airport Authority N.V.’s (AAA) “Wings of Hope” (WoH) is proud to be able to assist the Aruban community for another year.

The community support project that has taken off on June 1, 2020, has now become one of WoH’s important Projects in assisting families in need amidst the pandemic. One of AAA’s strategic pillars is Sustainability. This year, WoH’s goals are based on five of the Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs): Hunger, Education, Affordable and Clean Energy, Environment/Sustainable Airport Community, and Partnership.

As part of WoH’s Hunger goal, a total of 50 families are receiving assistance through food vouchers from January 2021 until December 2021, which are distributed by the Directorate of Social Affairs (DSZ). The education goal includes two parts: to assist a total of 175 students with their school materials and uniforms and assist 40 students with their school year fee. As part of the Affordable and Clean Energy goal, AAA has collaborated with the University of Aruba for a sustainable “Energy Champion” competition among Primary Schools. Each participating school had to prepare a plan indicating how to reduce the school’s yearly energy consumption by at least 20% by introducing new energy sources for the school. The winning school will receive a prize of AWG20,000.00 to execute their plan. The winner will be announced by July 28, 2021. As to Environment/Sustainable Airport Community, AAA focuses on creating one or more green zone (s) at the airport by reintroducing native plants and vegetation. AAA values partnerships, and that is why this is one of WoH’s main goals and will continue to involve different entities and collaborate on various projects to strengthen these relationships towards a sustainable future.

“Our focus is to contribute directly to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as set by the United Nations. Wings of Hope currently contributes to five of these Sustainable Goals, which assist and positively contribute to the Aruban Community, which is a reason to be proud of. Moving forward, AAA will continue to take steps that make a difference towards a more sustainable future for all,” said Director Health, Safety, and Sustainability and WoH leader Angeline Flemming.

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AAA ta sigui contribui na e comunidad di Aruba por medio di Wings of Hope

Na 2021 famia-, studiante- y partnernan lo ricibi ayudo sostenibel for di Wings of Hope

ORANJESTAD – Aruba Airport Authority N.V. (AAA) su “Wings of Hope” (WoH) ta orguyoso di por asisti e comunidad di Aruba un aña mas.

E proyecto pa asisti e comunidad di Aruba a inicia dia 1 di Juni 2020 y awor a bira un di WoH su proyectonan principal pa sigui yuda famianan den necesidad pa motibo di e pandemia. Un di AAA su pilarnan strategico ta sostenibilidad. E aña aki WoH su metanan ta basa riba 5 di e Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): “Hunger”, “Education”, “Affordable & Clean Energy”, “Environment/Sustainable Airport Community” y “Partnership”.

Como parti di WoH su meta di ”Hunger”, un total di 50 famia ta ricibiendo asistencia via voucher di cuminda for di Januari 2021 te cu December 2021, cual ta wordo reparti door di Directie Social Zaken (DSZ). E meta di “Education” ta inclui dos parti: Lo asisti un total di 175 studiante cu nan materialnan y uniform pa scol y tambe lo yuda 40 studiante cu nan pago di aña escolar. Como parti di e meta “Affordable & Clean Energy”, AAA a colabora cu Universidad di Aruba pa un competencia sostenibel “Energy Champion” pa scolnan primario. Cada scol cu a participa mester a prepara un plan indicando con nan lo reduci e consumo di energia na nan scol cu por lo menos 20% door di introduci fuentenan di energia nobo pa e scol. E scol ganador lo ricibi un premio di AWG 20,000.00 pa ehecuta nan plan. E ganador lo wordo anuncia Diaranson 28 di Juli, 2021. Pa “Environment/Sustainable Airport Community”, AAA lo enfoca pa crea un of mas areanan “green” na aeropuerto door di reintroduci matanan nativo y vegetacion. AAA ta mira e importancia di partnerships, y ta pa e motibo aki e ta un di WoH su metanan y lo sigui involucra y colabora cu diferente entidad riba varios proyectonan pa fortalece e relacion pa un futuro sostenibel.

“Nos enfoque ta pa contribui directamente na e Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) manera estableci pa United Nations. Wings of Hope actualmente ta contribui na 5 di e Sustainable Goals, cu ta asisti y contribui positivamente na e comunidad di Aruba, cual ta un motibo pa ta orguyoso. AAA lo sigui tuma pasonan cu lo haci un diferencia pa un futuro mas sostenibel pa un y tur,” ta locual Director Health, Safety and Sustainability y e lider di WoH Angeline Flemming a bisa.