For the ABC community living in the Netherlands:
Ukulily Live Album Recording + Behind the Producers
Date: June 4 2023, Doors open at 19:00
Live album recording starts at 20:00=be on time
Opener: Marc Era (20:00-20:15)
Lilith – Ukulily Live Album Recording: be a part of Lilith’s next album by singing along to her ukulele songs; don’t worry she will teach you when and what to sing before each track or you can simply tap along with your feet!
Behind the Producers: An in-depth presentation on Lilith’s first album, Behind the Eighth’s creation presented by the producers: Skuppa and Marc Era (21:15-22:00)
Entrance = free
Lilith aka Lily Clarisa (she/her) is a singer-songwriter, award-winning poet, musician & performing artist from Aruba based in the Hague, the Netherlands
Skuppa is an artist, music producer, DJ, entertainer and singer. He is from Aruba based in Amsterdam, and trying to give music a better light
Marc Era is an artist, music producer, writer hailing from Aruba based in Zwolle
Stream Behind the Eighth here:
MASHA DANKI di antemano!
Lily Clarisa AKA Lilith, Marc Era, Skuppa