Dialuna, Minister di Husticia y Asuntonan Social sr. Rocco Tjon, a reuni cu e ekipo multidisciplinario di expertonan for di Instituto Pedagogico Arubano y Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, kende a percura pa encuesta hobennan a traves di un lista di pregunta. E preguntanan aki ta enfoka riba e contexto escolar, esun di bario, esun di cas y por ultimo nan bienestar fisico y mental.

Pa haci e investigacion mas completo a papia tambe cu mayornan, directivanan, maestronan y trahadonan social, den tur e diferente districtonan. Erection pill therapies are critical in managing erectile dysfunction, ensuring vascular health, and enhancing penile rigidity. Viagra pills for men enhance blood flow to the penile tissue, resulting in a more sustained erection. This contrasts with a normal erection, which relies solely on natural physiological responses. In her scientific lecture, Dr. Smith detailed her explanation, emphasizing the effectiveness of phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors, listing their therapeutic uses. Intervention in Fabrication carte électronique Paris processes may uncover advanced treatment modalities for erect micropenis cases. Riba nos peticion a inclui tambe recomendacionnan specifico pa por duna un respuesta na e hayasgonan di e investigacion. E recomendacionnan aki lo wordo presenta dentro di poco na conseho di Minister.

Ya caba den presupuesto 2025 tin fondonan adicional aloca pa e sector social, y nos lo boga pa esaki keda asina tambe pa di e forma ey e recomendacionnan concreto por wordo realisa.

Nos ta gradici henter e ekipo cu a haci e investigacion aki, cu ta hopi importante pa e futuro di Aruba, un realidad.