James Finies, President of Nos Ke Boneiru Bek and Bonaire Human Rights president, Mrs Davika Bissessar embarked on voyage of grand awareness visiting several Central and South America countries to drum up support for the Bonaire Peoples’ trajectory to list Bonaire on Non Self Governing territories of the United Nations with the slogan: S.O.S. Bonaire Lives Matter – Listing Bonaire on UN NSGT.
This is the first time in history that the vast part of South and Central America became aware, recognized and acknowledge James Finies and the NKBB Bonaire current colonial situation as a priority case and will unite for Bonaire’s cause. As they declare #WeallareBonaire to eliminate colonialism in the Caribbean.
This was done after Mr. Finies arrived in Mexico with the Bonaire delegation and was invited to make a presentation of the Bonaire situation in the Casona de Xicotencatl historical Senate building – in Mexico City in the present of governments and political leaders. Followed by a gratifying speech by Joe Koolman- president of the COPPPAL Decolonization Committee and finished by Mr. Alejandro Moreno Cardenas the president of COPPPAL declaring full support to James Finies and his people. They have never heard before of Bonaire colonial situation and cannot understand that in the 21st century this can be happening in their own hemisphere.
Some main advantages of listing Bonaire on the UN NSGT:
1– Holland has to report every year to the UN General Assembly on Bonaire economic, social, political, educational, cultural advancements
2– UN institutions and funding will come direct to Bonaire – UN supervision of all activities that leads to self-governance of Bonaire
3– Bonaire people and culture and identity will be protected from the Dutch invasion according to article 73 of the UN Charter.
This message brings new Beginnings, Hope and Joy to the Bonaire People. Never before could any past or present governments or opposition reached this mile stone of breaking barriers and not fearing retaliation from the Dutch government. We feel we fully represent our people in the most patriotic way.
President – Nos Kier Bonaire Back President – Bonaire Human Rights Organization.
James S. Finies Davika J. Bissessar