Sindroma Post-Covid 19 

  • E efectonan di HOSPITALISACION pa motibo di Covid-19 ta conoci como e Sindroma Post-cuido intensivo / na Ingles Post-ICU syndrome (PICS), cu ta referi na efectonan riba salud cu ta cuminsa den ICU y cu ta sigui tambe despues cu recupera, sali di ICU y regresa cas.
  • Esnan cu a recupera di COVID-19 y cu ainda ta experimenta sintoma(nan), por wordo considera nan mes como candidato pa e asina yama: Syndrome Post-Covid-19 (Post-Covid-19 Syndrome) y su consecuencia(nan).

Ta resulta cu ambos sindroma (esta Post-ICU Syndrome (PICS)) y Post-Covid-19 Syndrome) ta trece nan consecuencianan den forma di disfuncionamento cerebral cu por varia den gravedad. Den neuro-sciencia (neuropsicologia) e disfuncionamento aki yama: “Post Covid Cognitive Dysfunction”. Como consecuencia tambe por mira condicionnan di disfuncionamento cognitivo.

Ta conoci cu hospitalisacion y enfermedadnan grave relaciona cu problema pulmonario, tambe por provoca efectonan pa salud manera debilidad y experiencia di ta agota y cu hopi ta keha di cansancio severo durante y hasta despues di e periodo di recuperacion di COVID-19.

Segun investigacion te ainda ta dificil pa sa si e sintomanan POST- COVID aki ta wordo causa pa efectonan di hospitalisacion, of pa efectonan a largo plazo di e virus mes of un combinacion di ambos. Tambe esaki por tin di haber cu otro complicacion relaciona cu e pandemia di Covid-19 manera efectonan cognitivo como resultado di aislamento, situacion economico negativo, falta di acceso na atencion medico, stress cronico durante e pandemia, etc.

Disfuncionamento cognitivo 

Disfuncionamento cognitivo ta encera problema cu funcionnan intelectual, manera:

  • Forma di pensa, rasona y corda.
  • Tur esaki bou condicion cu e disfuncionamento ta di tal manera cu e ta interferi cu funcionamento diario di e persona.


• Confusion, (gevoel cu e mente ta den nubia/neblina) 

• Disfuncion di coordinacion motorico

• Problema cu cierto memorianan (short-term of long-term memory)

• Crisis di identidad, y con maneha emocion. 

• Problema/alteracion di huicio (not being able to make good decision).

• Cambio di humor

• Memoria verbal, aritmetica/rekenen basico, concentracion, problema di drumi, depresion, perdida di olfato.

• trastorno de stress post-traumatico (PTSD) ta encera un reaccion psicologico a            largo plazo despues di un evento di shock/angustia.

E sintomanan menciona aki riba por wordo confundi cu un di e trastornonan neurocognitivo di tipo Alzheimer (antes yama “Dé-Mencia”, cu ta nifica SIN-MENTE).

Teal Ribbon Week since 2002

– F.A.A. Founded: 2003

– Advocacy for all Seniors and all person with (Neuro)cognitive

Disorders/ Conditions and their Caregivers in Aruba Since 2003

– Provider of Second Opinion on all Neuropsychological /screening/case finding and Assessments


– Alzheimer Disease International (ADI)

– Alzheimer Ibero-America (AIB)

Slogan:  Towards Advocacy For a Person Centered, Save and Friendly Care-giving Community 

“Cuido cu Dignidad”, “Care with Dignity”

Teal Ribbon Week since 2002

– F.A.A. Founded: 2003

– Advocacy for all Seniors and all person with (Neuro)cognitive

Disorders/ Conditions and their Caregivers in Aruba Since 2003

– Provider of Second Opinion on all Neuropsychological /screening/case finding and Assessments


– Alzheimer Disease International (ADI)

– Alzheimer Ibero-America (AIB)

Slogan:  Towards Advocacy For a Person Centered, Save and Friendly Care-giving Community 

“Cuido cu Dignidad”, “Care with Dignity”

Aki ta sigui e mensahe na ingles di Fundacion Alzheimer Aruba y Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI) den cuadro di e Dia Mundial di Alzheimer awe 21 di september:

COVID-19 could be a ‘Trojan horse’ causing future waves of NeuroCognitive disorders (NCD), global experts investigate

  • Alzheimer’s Disease International and Fundacion Alzheimer Aruba are calling on everyone to know the warning signs of NCD Mild and Mayor
  • Alzheimer’s Disease International and Fundacion Alzheimer Aruba warn that COVID-19 could further add to the NCD pandemic and urge the World Health Organization and governments globally to prioritize and fund vital research on links between COVID-19 and mayor NCD.
  • New research suggests neurological impact of COVID-19 can accelerate NCD symptoms and related brain pathology.
  • Global researchers form investigative working group to research concerning link between long-COVID and mayor NCD’s.
  • Globally, millions could face increased or accelerated risk of mayor NCD, as a consequence of long-COVID

Fundacion Alzheimer Aruba at the start of World Alzheimer’s Aruba’s Teal Ribbon Week, Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI), the global federation of over 100 Alzheimer’s and Alzheimer’s associations across the world including F.A.A. are encouraging everyone to know the Mayor Neurocognitive Disorders of the Alzheimer’s Type,  to Know Alzheimer’s; by spotting the warning signs of NCD’s and to seek out information, advice and support  from your local Alzheimer’s Associations, which can potentially lead to a timely diagnosis. Receiving a diagnosis of mayor NCD’s can be a challenging and difficult process and varies greatly around the world. In addition, the stigma which still surrounds Alzheimer’s and related NCD’s means that many people avoid seeking a diagnosis until the later stages of the condition.  

ADI CEO, Paola Barbarino says “Knowing the warning signs and symptoms of NCD’s enables people to seek out more information, advice and support, potentially leading to a diagnosis. Knowing these signs is even more important now than ever.” 

“Forecasts estimate that Alzheimer’s and related NCD’s cases will rise from 55 million to 78 million by 2030, with costs rising to US$2.8 trillion annually. We urge the WHO, governments and research institutions across the globe to prioritize and fund research and to establish resources in this space, to avoid being further overwhelmed by the oncoming pandemic of Alzheimer’s and related NCD’s .”

Fundacion Alzheimer Aruba  sees the importance of spotting the warnings signs and a timely diagnosis and/or on the figures in Aruba and the need for our government to act.

Emerging research, is showing that the neurological impact of COVID-19 on the brain can increase both a person’s likelihood of developing an Alzheimer’s related NCD, and the rate that Alzheimer’s-related pathological changes develop in the brain. ADI has established a working group of leading Alzheimer’s researchers to conduct and monitor research into this emergent field. Barbarino comments “We need people to be aware of the possible link between long-COVID and Mayor NCD’s , so they know to self-monitor for symptoms and catch it in its tracks. We are calling on the World Health Organization (WHO) and governments to urgently fast track research into this concerning area”

Recent research revealed at the 2021 Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC) indicates that some patients who had COVID-19 may experience an acceleration of Alzheimer’s Disease/Alzheimer’s Disease-Related NCD’s symptoms and pathology. 

This research shows that serum biomarkers of neuronal injury, neuroinflammation and Alzheimer’s disease correlate strongly with the presence of neurological symptoms in COVID-19 patients. 

“Many Mayor NCD’s experts around the globe right now are concerned by the link between Alzheimers related NCD’s and the neurological symptoms of COVID-19, and we need to know more,” says Barbarino.“

ADI’s Medical and Scientific Advisory Panel (MSAP), consisting of 75 global experts, has formed a working group of scientists and medical professionals to help understand the magnitude of the problem and make recommendations on how to deal with it.

“We have a global grouping of the world’s most prominent researchers and experts to look at this emergent field of research,” continues Barbarino. “Our MSAP working group will liaise with other international working groups, including the CNS SARS-CoV-2 Consortium led by the Alzheimer’s Association, our member in the US, to share learnings, ongoing research, and best practice as understanding about the longer-term impact of COVID-19 evolves.”

Over the short-term future, Mayor NCD’s  rates may drop temporarily as a result of the high number of deaths of people with Mayor NCD’s due to COVID-19, with between 25 to 45 percent of all COVID-19 deaths estimated to be of those with Mayor NCD’s. Longer-term, numbers of people with Mayor NCD’s  could rise significantly due to the neurological impact of COVID-19.

ADI MSAP Chair and internationally renowned cognitive neurologist, Dr Alireza Atri, says that we need to pay attention to the Trojan horse COVID-19 is leaving behind.

“We’re particularly concerned about the neurological symptoms of ‘long-COVID-19’ such as loss of taste and smell, as well as cognitive problems like ‘brain fog’, and difficulties with concentration, memory, thinking and language,” says Dr Atri, Director of Banner Sun Health Research Institute (AZ, USA). “Covid-19 can cause damage and clotting in the brain’s microvessels, immune dysfunction and hyperactivation, inflammation, and, last but not least, direct viral brain invasion through the olfactory pathways.”

“With the blood brain barrier damaged, our brain’s fortress is breached,” says Dr Atri. “Simply put, if you have a fortress and an enemy puts hole in your walls, you’re less likely to be able to withstand current and future attacks. COVID-19 opens the gates in the same way that the Greek soldiers hiding in the wooden horse did. It gives easier access to things that can harm your brain.”

“While there is still a way to go in understanding this, we know that anything that diminishes your cognitive reserve and resilience is going to allow neurodegenerative processes to accelerate, which can cause symptoms of neurological disorders, such as Mayor NCD’s , to show earlier.”

Research in this space so far is limited but growing. Other studies, such as those profiled during the AAIC, have also shown links between COVID-19 and cognitive decline.

During the Great British Intelligence Test, in 2020 over 80,000 people participated in an online clinical assessment. Researchers found that people who had recovered from COVID-19, including those no longer reporting symptoms, exhibited significant cognitive deficits versus controls.

Barbarino says that knowing the warning signs of Mayor NCD’s and knowing more about the link between COVID-19 and Alzheimer’s related NCD’s is essential to building a global plan and national responses. Past pandemics have shown the value in knowing the link between novel infectious diseases and progressive neurological disorders. Epidemiologists determined that Spanish Influenza survivors were up to 3 times higher at risk of developing Parkinson’s Disease.

“It is incredibly important that the public, especially those people at risk of developing Alzheimer’s related NCD’s, know about the potential impact of long-COVID on their brain health, and measures are put in place to protect them.  We need the WHO, governments and research institutions to prioritize and dedicate funds to the research needed to better understand the link between COVID-19 and Alzheimer’s related NCD’s,” says Barbarino. “Globally healthcare systems are already unprepared for the forecast increases in Alzheimer’s related NCD’s cases, prior to this new COVID-19 related risk. We need only to look at previous pandemics to see the vital importance of research and preparedness.”

“Alzheimer’s related NCD’s   is not going away. We need to act now to be prepared for any additional pressure following the COVID-19 pandemic.”